
Sweet things...

What else is known to bring about a smile on someones face besides food! Especially desserts if you're like me :) I'm just one of those girls who can't say no to sweets thus I have had my fair share of cavities as a child.
I love to cook and make sweets and I find that there is something so invigorating when trying authentic or traditional dishes from various cultures. One of my biggest desires in life is to be able to travel the world and try new flavours and experiment with new cuisine.   

When it comes to baking my go to item would definitely be cupcakes! I just love them, after all what is there not to love. Cupcakes are the most easily experimental desserts around where you can mix and match various flavours and come up with pizza cupcakes. Now that is a delight!

One of my experimentation with flavours for cupcakes I decided to go for a lemon white chocolate based cupcake with a pistachio buttercream topped with a blackberry sage sauce and pistachio bits. This was just one of those days where it was necessary to experiment with what ever was found at home. The best things about making these cupcakes was the tasting at the end where they turned out to be absolutely phenomenal, which I was not expecting to say the least.



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