

Hey loves, so in yesterdays post I mentioned my lusharies finally arrived but it turns out they arrived a few days before I just hadn't checked my mail box. Due to that the bath melts I ordered totally melted before I got a chance to use them boo! None the less I was still very excited to get tearing through the box, almost just as excited as actually being in the Lush shop itself.

So when the box arrived it looked something like this with the bright orange fragile sticker, the Lush logo, and the barcode and tracking number as well.

Opening it up the box was stuffed with styrofoam peanuts and the Lush catalogue on top; that just had a list of their products and a basic description and ingredients there in.  

The first thing I managed to find hidden away under all those peanuts was the Ceridwen's Cauldron. It was slightly melted at the base as we see in this picture above but it was nothing a little time in a dry cool place couldn't fix. This is by far one of my most favourite bath melts from Lush! I can never leave the shop without purchasing a couple of these babies because they just leave your skin absolutely amazing.  It smells slightly floral to me and it contains ingredients like cocoa butter, oats, lavender oil, and dried daises to name a few. This bath melt is in a sort of cheese cloth material so when in the bath or shower you can use it as an exfoliator. Over all this leaves your skin so soft and supple which is why I love this so much! Another thing I like to do is cut it into pieces and use them a little at a time, that way I get a greater use out of the product because this is one of those products where a little goes a long way.

The next thing in the box is the comforter bubble bath. For me this is a re-purchase because it literally is as the name say a comforter after a long stressful day. This product is essentially very fruity since it is made using blackcurrant. This is also one of those products from Lush where a little can go a long way, so I tend to cut or chip off chunks as I need them. In the end it depends how bubbalicious you love your bath to be. Another wonderful thing about this product besides the smell is the fact that it turns the bath water and amazing fuchsia, I mean who doesn't enjoy bright pink water under a mountain of bubbles? Speaking of bubbles these bubbles last a good amount of time.

Heres the remnants of the "you've been mangoed" bath melt. I actually have not tried this one out... so this was my first time purchasing it... and even though it showed up as a semi liquid pack I cannot wait to try this baby out. The reason I really wanted to try this one out was because it had citrus notes in it as well as avocado butter. Hello invigorating skin softener!

This is Sunny Side, a bubble bar, and another newbie for me to try. It's covering in a lot of gold glitter so I couldn't say no to it. According to the description it has tangerine oil and lemon oil so its another one of those citrus smelling baths which are amazing pick me ups. Since I have yet to try this one out I am not sure if this can also be broken and used as a per needed basis but I sure as heck will find out soon.

Next pick Dorthy. I haven't used this one in a while to be honest but again this one has an orangey scent or citrus scent due to the fact that it has orange flower in it. From what I do remember about this product is that you can use it in bits but the little brick road or rainbow on top has to be used as a bonus bubble bar, or at least thats how I did it. This bar ends up turning the water a really nice shade of blue that I would compare to beach water at a nice vaycay spot. Oh Miami how I miss thee!

This was an added bonus I'm not sure what it is besides the fact that its soap, it didn't really have a label on it but it smelt citrusy. (that's becoming a common scent here but it might be that my nose has given up on indexing other scents at this point lol).

Almost done I promise! Next up is the Phoenix Rising, I absolutely love love loveeeee this bath bomb. I do believe this is one of there popular bath fizzes since its unique from the others in that it initially sinks and then rises up like the name says. They said to have designed this according to the mythology about the phoenix where it is reborn from its ashes, and yes I've seen this happen with my own two eyes in harry potter. Phoenix rising turns the bath water into an absolutely fenominal purple colour and has a spicy and warm scent to it. Relaxation and distressing at it's best.

And this poor one is the Enchanter, and it shattered into three pieces on its way to me. I was pretty devastated about this but at least it helped me narrow down which one would be the first to go since I always have a hard time deciding which one to use up first. Again this has a citrus scent to it but it also has a sweetness. The extraordinary thing about this one is that it makes a beautiful pattern in the bath as it fizzes away and I always look at it and think of a beautiful sunset. Oh and did I mention it also has golden glitter in it :)

For the second last product we have here the Dragons egg, another citrus scent… this one just as the name states looks as though a tiny little baby dragon is hatching out of its eggs when the centre which is orange and gold spew out in a spiral all around the egg. This bath fizz has confetti jellies in it as well and I believe they are circles of soap but they look too cute floating around in the orange glitter water after the dragon is born.

And last but not the least, and my absolute favourite the Sex Bomb bath fizz! There is so much to love about this one for instance it turns the water an amazing pink and has a delicious floral scent which is a change from  all the citrusy ones. This one makes you feel well sexy and the cutest part is it has a little jelly soap rose on the top that "blooms" and floats around in your bath. So stinking cute right!?

So thats all that was in the box give or take a few styrofoam peanuts! Now I am looking forward to test out my newbie purchases and seeing how they stack up to my favourites. Oh and lesson learned from this that always go into the shop when buying lush products because you get to pick out your own product and you can get samples, amazing fresh face masks, and face scrubs too!!! So until next time lots of love.



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