
Food Coma =3...

SO… where to being with today. Most of the morning I spent being lazy around the house, mind you I had a lot of chores around the house but I just wasn't up for any of it. It was just one of those days! Anywho I randomly got a call from my bestie to hang out who lives about an hour away from me on days with good traffic. I obviously accepted the long drive since I was not doing much at home.

We spent most of the afternoon walking around square one (which is a mall for those of you who aren't familiar with I guess Torontonian malls). When it came time to eat we could not make up our mind. There were plenty of options around the Mississauga area, at first we decided to head to a place called Haze Lounge but we opted out for something different and choose to go to a place called Kara Mia since we were starving! 

The food was absolutely amazing they had this amazing poutine with a saffron sauce topped and baked with mozzarella cheese! We happened to devour it before we remembered to take a picture Oops :) I loved to sauce so much it was very different so for main course I chose to have the Saffron Chicken which was an amazing grilled chicken breast completely smothered and I mean smothered in the same saffron sauce with a side of vegetable rice and cesar salad. The serving was a really good size it really fills you up and I had left overs! She ordered the meat lasagna which was also absolutely delicious and it also came with a side of salad,  she got a giant piece too!

After the dinner we decided well she decided we needed dessert so we headed to Caffe Demetre. They have a new menu! I was so excited when I saw that they finally listened to my telepathic messages to bring in something new hahaha. So of course since I love trying new things we got one of their new desserts which was the Red Velvet Cheesecake with white chocolate ice-cream. I mean we were stuffed before but after this the drive home was so uncomfortable lol but it was well worth it! 

As for the shopping I did I will make a new post on that tomorrow! As for now I am super stuffed and I think I am going to slip into a semi Food Coma! So until next time lots of love!



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