
Old is Gold...

After an entire afternoon of shopping and the watchful eyes of my bestie to prevent me from spending too much money, I just had to repurchase my staple products. The products which fuel my vanity and are the golden eggs of my wild goose chase! Kiehl's has been my go to for quite sometime when it comes to my facial skin care, and I know that not everyone is a fan of their products but they have just worked for me so I roll with it.

So my skin is very selective to products, and these three products have helped just worked wonders for my skin (I will be putting up my skin care post up shortly after this one). These three products are: the Midnight Recovery Concentrate, the Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado, and the Ultra Facial Cream. I know what you must be thinking, these products are so raved about all over the internet and youtube but they are done so genuinely believe me. 

The midnight recovery concentrate, out of these three picks, is my absolute must have at all times product! I have literally found this to be an overnight miracle in a bottle for me. For one thing it smells absolutely divine and a little goes a long way! I have sensitive combination skin, and although this is an oil it has only prevented if not reduced any breakouts I have experienced.

With this concentrate I noticed an immediate change in my skins radiance, I don't know weather it's a placebo or not, but I adore this stuff. I would have to say it is definitely in my opinion worth the price. I tend to use this product every night after my cleansing, and I wake up with refreshed looking dewy skin. I mean I don't wake up looking like an airbrushed magazine or billboard girl but for what it's worth for an average girl I say its pretty darn close! Blemishes and scars and discolouration's here and there but majority of it looks much muted then the night before. So I definitely tend to go a little heavy handed with this product a few days before a big night out :D

The creamy eye treatment with avocado is a nifty product as well, and is super hydrating. A lot of people usually look at the products colour and tend to get turned off, this is because it is in slight a version of an avocado itself. However, the colour in my opinion gives this eye cream its edge because lets face it out of the white to cream coloured eye treatments out there who can forget the "unsightly" green. Well, if you can get over the colour you won't be able to get over its amazing hydrating trick! This product literally bursts into a layer of moisture, and you can feel it. I don't know about you but I love when I can see my products doing something nearly instantaneously! For an eye cream yes this product may be thicker then your average, but that is also the reason why it last much longer. For a teeny tiny dab of the product you get double the coverage when the product "bursts" into its hydrated form. 

As someone with a south asian background, I have some really nasty dark circles (all due to university, sleepless nights, and a pinch of genetics) which I have been able to somewhat tame with the help of this product (and another keep an eye out for my skincare routine!). Dark circles are the pinnacle of "you look sick" or the "you look tired" thanks to this baby I can leave the house with out my concealer (sometimes lol). Majority of the time if your sleeps on point as well as your diet and stress prevention, dark circles (if not genetically) can be due to a lack of hydration to that area. Besides hydrating your eye area is the best prevention for wrinkles!

Last but not the least, is the ultra facial cream. I had literally given up on being able to find the perfect day and night time cream for myself. I used to be in and out of sephora and shoppers drug mart like a mad women getting samples for moisturizers and creams to help my dull skin. That is until my sister gave me a sample of this product. Within a few applications my skin looked so much more alive, heck I even got many compliments on my skin! The sample lasted me quite sometime and I was nearly out so I decided I had to go and purchase the product. This product took care of the dryness of my skin even in Canada's cold wintery weather, and I have to say usually I can never get my skin to look that good in winter...

Facial skin I thought was one of the most irritating areas to maintain until I found what worked for me. I know it can be a lengthy process in finding the right products for yourself but when you do its well worth the wait. I myself have gone through the high end products to drugstore products, and I am not saying they are not worth it, they just didn't give me the results I was personally looking for. 

So if you're having some problems with finding the right skin care products I highly recommend heading out to your local Kiehl's store and grabbing yourself samples of these products! They last you some time which gives you the option and enough time (in my experience) to see if the product really will work for you…. and like it hurts to get free samples of the most talked about products out there lol!

If you've tried these products I would love to know your take and experience, as well if your fascinated on trying them let me know which ones, or even if you found something else that works for you I would love to hear about it! The chances are someone else might be looking for something similar so it doesn't hurt to share; as they say sharing is caring :)

So until next time lots of love!



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