
Happy Birthday Canada =3 ...

First off, Happy Canada Day! woo hoo there will be fireworks tonight :) So along with today being Canada's Birthday today was also the day that my Lush products arrived (So excited xD).
 Although I usually tend to go out and buy my lusharies from the shop itself, these ones I decided to order online. I have to say it takes away from the whole experience of the shop, the scents, and just being able to pick out the "perfect" product. More to come on the lusharies in another post!

So back to Canada's birthday, majority of the morning was spent at the Falls (Niagara) soaking up the sun in some patches and soaking in the misty rain in others. The falls were just as beautiful as always and not as crowded as I assumed it would be that day so bonus for me and on top of that there was a beautiful rainbow!

After the long day at the lake we headed into downtown Toronto for some festivities, I had taken pictures for the blog but for some reason they got deleted and all that's left is the memory... I After the downtown adventures I got home just in time to enjoy some fireworks the neighbours were doing and tend to a very scared kitty who had no idea what that loud occasional bang was hahaha. Besides that today was a good lazy day and tomorrow will be exciting as I get to unbox my Lush products.

Hope you had just as amazing of a day as I did! Lots of love.



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